Single contact number (+998) 71 2000036; Helpline (+998) 71 2335623


Representative of Uzbekistan at the International Atomic Energy Agency
Kadyrova Makhtuba
Phone: 99871 289-37-79
kadyrova @

Uzbekistan has become a member of INIS in 1995.Thanks to IAEA granting  of  Technical Cooperation project UZB/0/002  “ Creation INIS Center “ (1997-1999) on the basis of Scientific-Technical Information and International Relations Department  (STI and IR) under the direction of senior scientific officer А.D.Avezov, The National INIS Center of Uzbekistan was fully equipped/upgraded and  came into operation at INP AS RU.


INIS– is the world's leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.  The acronym INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. The system was established in 1970,  operated and supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA ) in collaboration with its 140 Member States and  24 co-operating international organizations. Uzbekistan has become a member of INIS in 1995.

INIS provides a comprehensive information  reference service for specialists in nuclear science and technology, about literatures published in worldwide, concerning with using ionizing radiation. To do this, INIS processes most of the world's scientific and technical literature that falls within its subject scope. Regular updatable INIS database contains about 3 mln. information units. The full-text copies fund of non-conventional literatures (conference materials, scientific reports, brochures, dissertations, patents etc) exceeds 50 thousand documents on CD-ROM. The subject scope was developed to respond to the information needs of the international community in the areas of the IAEA's interests and activities covering the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.The INIS Liaison Officers have the exclusive right to disseminate INIS products within their countries or organizational confines.

On the basis of Institute of Nuclear Physics AS RU  operates The National INIS Center.Kadyrova Makhtuba Sa'dullaevna (office phone: 289-37-79) represents Uzbekistan to INIS. The center has full INIS Database and fund copies of non-conventional literature on compact disk  CD-ROM. The second copy of INIS Database is available in the Fundamental Library of Uzbekistan Academy of  Sciences(Tashkent c.) The access to INIS DB on  CD-ROM through local network of INP AS RU  was organized by  Alternative INIS liaison officer. and is still supported by him. It is possible to log into database from 2 computers of INIS Center, from  10 computers of Internet class and from 18 computers of various departments of the Institute. Any specialist, postgraduate student  or student of INP AS RU has  access to DB from above-mentioned computers, and can make copy of non-conventional literature at the INIS Center or order it by e-mail. The users, which have no access to INIS DB from their own personal computers, connected to the local network, by  their own desire can apply to INIS Center. Thanks to effort of INIS Secretariate in IAEA, the following organizations have obtained  free of charge  licence for the access to INIS Database on Internet:   INP AS RU (ID: uz-kadirova, Passport: kad2002 ), Physico-technical institute of AS RU, National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Applied Physics, but nuclear physics laboratory of Samarkand State University  has obtained a licence for using INIS DB on CD-ROM. On  INIS Secretariate's (IAEA) initiative, Scientific-technical library of INP AS RU  has become a part of International Nuclear Libraries Network(INLN). It gives an opportunity for collaborators of INP AS RU Э to use the electronic libraries resources of IAEA,  Australia, Argentina, Canada and Turkey. To entry  INLN, use  ID: INPL; Passport: uzb01. In order to have access to the full-text documents on any kind of subject scopes, it is necessary to apply with request to INIS Center. This question can be solved administratively in working order.
Any university and research institution, concerning with nuclear-physical and related fields, has an opportunity to obtain free of charge licence for the access to INIS Database on Internet.
By all questions, concerning with obtaining and dissemination INIS information,  as well as, obtaining licence,  it is necessary to apply for Uzbekistan National INIS Center to Uzbekistan INIS Liaison officer.

Near-term outlooks of development Uzbekistan INIS Center,
Scientific-technical library and Internet class of INP AS RU. According to the  UZB/0/003 project of Uzbekistan National program under technical cooperation with IAEA for 2007-2008 yy. is planned to obtain the equipment for upgrading certain technical units of INIS Center, library and Internet class.

The project implementation assumes the creation database fund of the full-text non-conventional literature (INIS NCL DB ).

The access arrangement to INIS NCL DB for internal users of DB by local network of INP AS RU  and  delivery arrangement of full-text NCL for external users via e-mail.

Creation of Uzbekistan national database of full-text nuclear-physical literature, published in the Republic.
On the basis of scientific-technical library and Internet class of INP AS RU in cooperation with INIS Center to create knowledge base for schoolchildren, Students, postgraduate students and  specialists of INP AS RU.

INIS Subject scope


Nuclear power including

  • Nuclear Engineering and Instrumentation
  • Fission Reactors
  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • Radioactive Waste Management


Nuclear Safety

Materials of Nuclear Interest 

Environmental Aspects (of Nuclear and non-Nuclear Energy Sources)

Economic Aspects (of Nuclear and  non-Nuclear Energy Sources)

Safeguards, Non-proliferation


Nuclear Applications including

  •  Production of Isotopes and Radiation Sources
  • Industrial Applications of Isotopes and Radiation Sources
  • Radioisotopes and Radiation in Earth Sciences
  • Radioisotopes and Radiation in Agriculture, Biology and Medcine


Radiation Protection

Nuclear Aspects of Physics  including

  • Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion
  • Condensed Matter
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Elementary Particle Physics
  • Classical and Quantum Mechanics


Nuclear Aspects of Chemistry including

  • Radiochemistry
  • Radiation Chemistry
  • Nuclear Chemistry
