The NG-150 neutron generator implements fluxes of fast quasimonochromatic neutrons with energies of ~ 2.4 and 14 MeV generated by a deuteron beam with energies of ~ 150 keV in reactions D+d —> 3He+n или T+d —> α+n when using deuterium and tritium targets. The neutron flux intensities are respectively ~ 108 and 1010 n/sec to solid angle 4π.
The head of the service NG-150 - Ergashev Feruz
Office telephone: (998-71)-289-34-52
The coordinator of experimental research at experimental facilities NG-150 - Doctor Phys.-Math. Sciences Artemov Sergey Viktorovich
Office telephone: (998-71)-289-36-18
The neutron generator NG-150 is designed to perform a wide range of scientific research in the field of nuclear and radiation physics, as well as elemental analysis. It is equipped with the following experimental techniques: