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The excerpts from Institute's Statute
4. The main research objectives of the Institute

Nuclear physics:

  • Relativistic nuclei and particles interactions with nuclei in a wide range of initial energies; experiments aimed at studying the multiple hadrons generation, search for multi-baryon resonances and isobars in collisions with nuclei, measurements of interaction total cross sections of hadron collisions with using polarized and non-polarized hadron beams;
  • Experimental and theoretical study of nuclear reactions, and nuclei and elementary particles properties, investigations of nuclear reactions with multinucleon transfers, determination of nuclei’s vertex constants, development of elementary particles new models, application of low energy nuclear physics results to solve a number of astrophysical problems;
  • Highly excited state in nuclei, and interactions of these nuclei with nuclei at low energies, experiments to search for heavy neutrinos, theoretical studies of atomic nucleus models.
  • Effect of radiation on various materials used in reactors, accelerators and nuclear facilities, creation of new materials.

Solid-state radiation physics, radiation material science and instrumentation development:

  • Peculiarities of radiation processes in multicomponent solid states for the purpose of revealing of general regularities for wide class of materials and their special manifestation in ordered and non-ordered systems;
  • Stimulated phase transitions in multicomponent systems, and studying of the spinodal decomposition and radiation-induced electron processes at ultralow temperatures; physical effects at the interface allowing prediction of the technological aspects of radiation application for modification of properties and parameters of state-of-art products;
  • Radiation method aimed at formation of metastable states and dosing the medium relaxation to states unachievable by means of radiation, search for new aspects of radiation technology based on the synergetic effects at highly intensive radiation;
  • Radiation engineering of electronic spectrum for creation of materials with predefined properties, combined effects of radiation and other physical fields for modeling specific exploitation environment, materials and products radiation sensitivity physical basics development.

Activation analysis:

  • Development of the theoretical and methodological basics of highly sensitive multielemental methods for analysis of composite materials, research aimed at increasing the information capacity provided by the analytical methods, particularly, by applying three-dimensional analysis and analysis of forms and state in which those chemical elements are contained, primarily, in the environmental objects, new technologies research and development to obtain radioactive isotopes and labeled compounds, and organization of industrial production of preparations for the needs of the Republican and international research and medical institutions.
  • Creation of new highly sensitive screening radioanalytical methods for toxicants determination in ecological researches and environment protection, research and development of perspective radiochemical and radioanalytical medical diagnostics methods, including disease early stage diagnostics, and screening tests for examination of population of Uzbekistan.

Radiochemistry and radioisotope production:

  • Development of techniques and establishment of production of radionuclide generator systems (Тс, Im, Re, and others); production of generator systems for obtaining ultra-short-lived radionuclides, used in radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy, as well as bioagents based systems for isotopes transport directly to the target organs; components of nucleic acids, labeled with low energy Ð, Ð and S emitters;
  • Obtaining of radioactive-tritium-labelled analogs of the most hazardous contaminants; development of special immunoradiometric methods for analysis of low-molecular toxicants; study of capabilities for creation of new generation analytical systems.

Research works automation:

  • Creation of the microprocessor based experimental research and data processing automation system for major nuclear-physical facilities of the Institute;
  • Modification of the computational research laboratories, production and other departments of the Institute; installation of the local area network (LAN) and small local networks in the Institute;
  • Creation of the computing center, equipped with high-performance computers, capable of providing the scientific-technical calculations and the physical processes modelling on the basis of logical-calculation systems, including databases and software packages, as well as supported by automated Institute’s administrative activity.

5. Institute is responsible for selection and expertise level of appropriate physics research topics, effectiveness of researches carried out and wide implementation of their results in national economy.

6. Institute organizes activities in applied research areas, encourages inventive creativity, which facilitates advances in scientific-technical level of research results, technology competitiveness of output production.

7. To carry out these tasks the Institute:

  • In compliance with plan approved by Administration Board of AS RU, carries out the scientific research and applied works, and jointly with other interested organizations takes measures to apply the obtained results in science, technology, and national economy;
  • Coordinates its scientific research and applied projects with the scientific councils on nuclear spectroscopy, nuclear reactions, solid state physics, analytical chemistry, nuclear and radiation physics, on peaceful use of atomic energy, on radiochemistry, on application of nuclear physics achievements in related fields;
  • to ensure their protectability;
  • Prepares and arranges the scientific manpower, provides advanced qualification training for Institute’s members of staff, continuously provides assistance to young scientists in their works;
  • Carries out the selection of patent information for all laboratories;
  • Organizes discussions, conferences, meetings on research topics, studied by the Institute;
  • Prepares materials of research works for publication, manages, in general, issuing of proceedings, monographs, preprints;
  • Promotes and popularize scientific knowledge, prepares and forwards information about researches and obtained results, conducted by the Institute, to interested institutions and organizations;
  • Studies the development of science in foreign countries, realizes cooperative works with foreign institutions;
  • Secures the scientific and state priority on works, conducted at the Institute, provides environment for invention activities;
  • Ensures timely consideration and adoption of innovations, and rationalization proposals;
  • Takes measures on local and international legal protection inventions developed in the Institute departments, makes contracts with authors of those inventions on title transfer to the Institute for the latter to have rights to acquire the appropriate patents;
  • Registers the research projects, prepares scientific-technical information and reports about the conducted works to the appropriate information bodies;
  • Institute carries out the independent economical and foreign-economic activity by organizing small business, joint venture and rental enterprises;

8. Institute provides construction and reconstruction works, as well as capital repair of capital assets, provides the quickest commissioning of facilities and purchased equipments;

9. Institute actively supports the scientific-research works by providing the material-technical procurement;

10. Institute has rights to manage revenues earned after budget is fixed and taxes are paid off, and to use them on its own discretion according to decision of Institute’s Academic Council; Institute manages the financial resources allocated and transmitted by economical contracts, providing maximal costs saving and timely calculations with State budget, banking institutions, suppliers, contractors and other organizations;

11. Institute keeps accounting, implements advanced methods and forms of accounting and calculation, makes accounting reports according to the approved forms and presents them to appropriate authorities in established terms;

12. Institute provides its employees with conditions for highly effective works, enforces observance of labor legislation, labor protection rules and regulations, safety, sanitation, and labor discipline. According to established procedures, the Institute carries out attestation of its employees, as well as announces vacancy to fill scientist position through competitive selection.

13. Institute realizes measures to use mostly effective the established employees’ remuneration system.

14. Institute actively facilitates the implementation of commitments accepted by all departments, and permanently improves working conditions, everyday life and recreation of its employees.

15. In accordance with the legislation, the Institute rewards its employees for successful performance.

16. Institute realizes all necessary measures on protection of air, soil and water from contamination with waste waters and products.

17. The Administration board of AS RU evaluates the Institute’s scientific works in accordance with the established procedures not less than once in three years, and based on the results of this evaluation the appropriate resolutions should be drawn.
